ePortfolios at IAIA

ePortfolios at IAIA

Starting the Fall of 2011, I began development of an ePortfolio system for the Institute of American Indian Arts. This system has grown into a cost-effective, campus-wide service. Link to IAIA ePortfolio portal....
Quality Control

Quality Control

Online Simulation Development and Testing Notes Some of my books have required development of over 70 online simulations; each of which must work perfectly. As an author and multimedia developer, I’ve been responsible for hundreds of multimedia videos and...
Teaching Online – Meetings

Teaching Online – Meetings

Online Office Hours instructions I’ve paid for my own GoToMeeting subscription for the past three years. Its primary purpose is to support my online teaching activities. I use a variety of communications channels, including VOIP (e.g. Skype), instant messaging,...
Teaching Online – Interactivity

Teaching Online – Interactivity

Sample Google Docs scheduling document When I have a problem, I look for ways to solve it. In this example, I posted a shared Google Docs document so students could easily tell me when they’d be available to meet and also see the times classmates...